Be Gone

Fat Dissolving is designed to specifically address and target stubborn fat deposits on your face or body. Our innovative anti-fat injections can promptly deliver the results you desire.

  • Fat dissolving injections work through a process known as lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fat cells. The injected substance works to break down the fat cells in the treated area. It essentially disrupts the cell membranes of the fat cells, causing them to release their stored fat content.

  • Is a fat dissolving solution that contains high contents of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Lecithin and Bromelain (Pineapple Enzyme).

    .Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

    Riboflavin, a water-soluble vitamin, plays a role in turning carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy in the body and the body can’t store much of it.

    Vitamin B2 is involved in the oxidation of fat and helps fat metabolism by promoting fat burning.

    Bromelain (Pineapple extract)

    Bromelain is a powerful digestive enzyme commonly found and extracted from pineapples, fruits, leaves and stems.

    It is used as an anti-obesity alternative medicine and induces fat breakdown as well as preventing inflammation.


    Lecithin is a generic term used to describe any group of fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues, which are amphiphilic – they attract both water and fatty substances.

    Lecithin possesses beneficial properties in reducing cholesterol levels and controlling or preventing atherosclerosis.

  • Desobody is FDA approved, and is safer, more effective, and more comfortable than other, older fat dissolvers on the market such as AQUALYX.

    It uses deoxycholic acid to sculpt fat and re,duce fat on the body, including areas such as thighs; stomach; upper arms; saddle b ags; flanks; the top of your back; and knees.

    Desoface uses a moderate composition of the compound and is designed to dissolve areas like double chin, jawline and jowls.

  • Treatment is NOT Suitable to Clients with the following Medical Conditions:

    • Any Allery to any of the components of the product above in composition

    • Pregnant or breastfeeding

    • Inability to produce fat (lipodystrophy)

    • Have an acute or chronic skin disease, skin infection in the affected area or in the skin overlying the

    treatment area are not suitable

    • Clients with pathological conditions (Mycobacterium)

    • Conditions that affect fat processing in your body

    • Diabetic patients should avoid treatment as the potential complications of diabetes can complicate


    • Epilepsy

    • Diseases of the immune system: Clients with autoimmune conditions such as scleroderma should avoid


    • Clients with severe liver disease should not be treated as the extra fat it has to process could overwork

    the liver. Clients with severe kidney disease are not suitable for treatment.

    • Clients on blood thinning medication, in particularly warfarin, will almost certainly not be suitable for

    treatment due to the risk of severe bruising.

    • Blood diseases associated with excessive bleeding

    • Circulatory diseases

    • Cancer

    • Unstabilized thyroid diseases

    Heavily Overweight Clients,

  • Yes, the fat cells in the treated areas are destroyed by this treatment. However, this does not stop your body's ability to put on weight.

    DESO is not a replacement for weight loss or management.

Aftercare Information

    • Combined with a healthy lifestyle you can experience a permanent change in your body shape.

    • To boost your metabolism and to receive the benefits of body sculpting therapies make sure to drink lots of water- to flush out toxins’.

    • Avoid eating 2 hours prior and 1 hour after your treatment. Eat lighter meals for the rest of the day.

    • Refrain from caffeine for 3-4 days prior to your treatment and for 48hours after treatment.

    • Refrain from aspirin, ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory products for 2 days prior and after your treatment-

    • Wear your compression for 72 hours minimum.

  • What to do after the treatment

    •Try and be as active as possible after a treatment to help with elimination. We recommend at least 30min of cardio exercise such as walking after treatment. Drink a minimum of 2 Ltrs of water the day before and day of treatment. Aim for 3 litres of water a day.

    •By increasing heat in the area it will also increase your results. Sauna, steam, hot bath or putting a warm beanbag or water bottle on the area will increase results.

    •As it is an injectable there might be some bruising in the area afterwards.

  • • Avoid Aspirin for pain to reduce the risk of bruising or bleeding. Paracetamol is acceptable.

    • Avoid alcohol for 48 hours.

    • Intermittent cooling with ice can be used by applying for 5 minutes post-procedure. A simple fan can also be helpful for discomfort.

    • Bruising may occur. Avoid direct sunlight, sunbeds and heat therapies during the treatment period.

    •Avoid hot baths and showers for 5 days.

    •Nodules are not uncommon. They can last up to a month and usually disappearwithout any intervention. However, your Practitioner would need to assess anything unusual.

    • Wear a compression garment for 2-5 days following treatment.